Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classwork 11/8/11 - Argument Template

  The general argument by author Dale Stephens made in his interview, "The Case Against College," is that students should learn through experiences in life.  More specifically, Stephens argues that schools kill creativity.  He writes, "our education system cultivates a mind set where students are rewarded for following directions..."  In this passage, Stephens is suggesting that students only do the work to receive the reward.  They are not actually experiencing problem solving.  In conclusion, this lack of problem, solving shows the loss of creativity in education and that students would best succeed from experience.
   In my view, Stephens has valid arguments to make however they do not apply to everyone.  More specifically, I believe that students must experience life to learn but they also need a basic educational structure in order to formulate their ideas and opinions.

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